Mėnesio archyvai kovo 2023

Gmsla Agreements

GM`s LA (General Motors Legal Assistance) agreements are contracts between General Motors and its dealerships. These agreements outline the terms and conditions under which the dealership can sell General Motors vehicles and provide services to customers.

The GM`s LA agreements cover a range of topics, including product warranties, marketing and advertising, training and technical support, and compliance with federal and state regulations. The agreements are designed to protect both General Motors and its dealerships by establishing clear guidelines for business operations.

One important aspect of the GM`s LA agreements is the requirement for dealerships to maintain a high level of customer satisfaction...


Custody Agreements in Nj

Custody Agreements in NJ: What You Need to Know

Going through a divorce or separation can be a difficult and emotional time for all parties involved, especially when there are children involved. One of the most important aspects of any divorce or separation proceeding is determining custody arrangements for the children. Custody agreements in NJ can be complex and confusing, but it’s important to understand the basics to ensure the best outcome for your family.

Types of Custody in NJ

In New Jersey, there are two types of custody: legal custody and physical custody. Legal custody refers to the right to make important decisions about the child’s upbringing, such as education, medical care, and religion...


Nfl Players Union Agreement

The recent agreement between the NFL Players Union and the league has brought a lot of changes for both players and fans. Some of these changes will impact the game for years to come, while some others are more immediate. Here are some of the most significant changes that came with the new NFL Players Union agreement.

New Labor Deal

The biggest change is the labor deal itself, which extended the agreement through the 2030 season. The agreement also paves the way for the league to negotiate new deals with TV and streaming partners. That could mean a significant increase in revenue for the NFL and its players.

Increased Salary Cap

The NFL Players Union and the league also agreed to raise the salary cap, which is the amount of money that teams can spend on their players...
